The Giad of Adam, was a triangular symbol with dot inside, written on wood, romicized as DÜEUS. That still resounds the same, and that Adam ate of the forbidden tree. Zeus and teo more regressed versions of this word. Teo seems to be related to christian regressions with a second tree also.
Historically, there seems to have been a debate about Adams amanita use. And they wanted to take that out of the concept. Which would be >
Adam may also have been known as Manu, as in Hinduism, and some other philosophies.
Adam really a right-to-left writing of Manu.
The christian phrase “Original Man,Son of Man/Children of Man/Mankind”, probably influenced by this.
The Dispilio Tablet, contains the worlds first written religion. And uses symbols with meaning to DÜEUS(-symbol). While later one started to type out the sounds, such as in latin alphabet. Which works very well for a digital world, with a keyboard, as one needs just a certain number of keys. > really indicates this aswell. > is called DÜEUS if reading adamic signs. If reading arabic it is called ALLA. If reading romic script, it is Ta.